"The most valuable service that Checkmate provides our company is "peace of mind." I know that once I submit our payroll information, our employees will receive payroll checks or direct deposits on time, and I know that we are and will be in compliance with state and federal laws regarding payroll. Challenges that our company experiences with payroll issues from time to time are resolved immediately with their knowledgeable, caring and courteous staff. The single most important benefit to us is customer support. Any company or payroll service can generate a payroll. The benefit Checkmate provides of keeping customers informed of changing laws and by being there when you "hit a wall" with a payroll problem makes them a rare find in today's market. As a small non-profit business, it would be impossible for us to provide this same level of service internally, particularly considering the reasonable fees that Checkmate charges. Combined with the fact that Checkmate is a local, long established business in our community, there is no need to consider any other company when you already have a rare find." ~Dave |